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On August 25, 2023 MassDEP received a notification of a release of approximately 31,000 gallons of gasoline. The release per MGL (Mass General Law) Chapter 21E, The Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) as regulated 310 CMR 40.0000.
An NOR (Notice of Responsibility) mandates under the MA DEP Lead Privatization Program implemented 1993, “You must employ or engage a Licensed Site Professional (LSP), one of approximately 550 LSP’s to manage, supervise or perform actions to address this release / threat of release.


On Wednesday December 27, 2023 Joseph V. Polsinello and Associate, as recommended, met with the owner / operator at the location.
As described and confirmed, the first LSP resigned after a month, the second LSP and remediation operations were ceasing as the $ 2,000,000.00 (two million dollars) insurance coverage had been paid out and exhausted.

MassDEP oversight as a Tier I Priority Site requested a status of financial ability to continue.
The NOR “Statutory Liability” is “strict”…. “You may be liable for up to three (3) times all Response Action Costs incurred by MassDEP.” “MassDEP may also assess interest on costs incurred at the rate of twelve percent (12%), compounded annually.” “Civil and Criminal liability may be imposed under 21E…” “The Attorney General may bring action against you.”

Joseph V. Polsinello, Inland Professional Corporation, Principal, and a Mass DEP LSP since 1993, Implemented the CIS (Commercial Industrial Solutions) network creating a Crisis Management Team of proven, results oriented experienced legal, business and environmental assessment and remediation experts at significant reduced cost to develop a strategy and prepare an outline as proposed to MassDEP the first week of January 2024, accepted allowing the owner / operator to continue assessment, health & safety, environmental protection, remedial actions.

Preliminary and continuous meetings to include Mass DEP, City Engineers / DPW, the Independent LSP contracted directly with the owner / operator, work in progress to evaluate past LSP actions along with the owner / operator NOR mandate to meet MCP periotic deadlines and mandates.


Early January 2024 immediate assessment, actions to ensure health, safety and environmental protection, while substantially reducing that cost by 75% training and implementing the owners qualified obtained personnel, sub-contractors and Team saved $ 50,000.00 (fifty thousand dollars) a month. IPC / CIS Team interviewed and selected LSP of Record, by qualifications, experience on like projects with working knowledge of recovery and treatment systems not implemented in the August to late December 2023 period.
IPC / CIS Team provided an at no cost explosion proof high velocity blower / ventilation for the sewer / storm drain system to eliminate the $ 30,000.00 (thirty thousand dollars) per month previous LSP managed cost.

Under the LSP of Record / Owner / Operator IRA (Immediate Response Action) Plan requirements, the IPC / CIS Team at a fraction of industry cost, provided and obtained MassDEP approval only to build the separator / treatment / system staging area, transport and set up the IPC tank system.
The IPC / CIS Team included P.E. / Civil Engineers / Treatment System Design, Class II Treatment Operator, Construction, Wetland, Remedial and Disposal Treatment experience.

Considering the IPC / CIS Team engaged January 8, 2024 pending the success of the Mass DEP requested owner / operator status to continue; as reviewed with the Conservation Agent in approval, the separator and treatment system tank pad was field engineered and constructed to include a secondary membrane spill contingency / raised elevation considering the high groundwater / heavy rain flood consideration.


On Tuesday February 6, 2024, the IPC separator tank system was transported and set by the 120 ton truck crane, expedited at a fraction of the environmental industry costs because of the multiple experienced IPC / CIS Team.
System design engineering, pilot system operation planning, permitting with the sewer commission meeting strict acceptance mandates are in the accelerated process considering Mass DEP and sewer authority review.


The IPC / CIS Team comprised of legal, extensive decades of experience as UST (underground storage tanks) gasoline, diesel, propane, DEF diesel additive; owners, operators, civil and petroleum engineers, led by Joseph Polsinello, IPC UST installations, operations, ownership reviewed the system on site with review of the history, events and occurrences with the owner / operator.


The IPC / CIS Team to include a major petroleum company dealer / owner / operator decades of experience with Veeder Root inventory, leak detection, water, overfill, line failure, alarm and documented computerized history reviewed on site with subsequent discussion, evaluation and consensus of operations with reference to the Mass DEP UST Program as regulated 310 CMR 80.00 UST Systems, Third Party 3 year inspections, Inventory, Class A / B & C Operator Certification, Repairs and Prohibitions.

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